When is Unicode not Unicode? When Microsoft gets involved!

Windows programmers of the C/C++ variety, how many of you realise that since Window 9x Microsoft has been lying to you about what constitutes Unicode? They will have you believe that Unicode requires you to use a WCHAR (wide) character type and that Unicode cannot be represented by a CHAR (narrow) character type. In fact, both of these statements are completely and utterly false. Microsoft has misled you in the most egregious way. Continue reading “When is Unicode not Unicode? When Microsoft gets involved!”

Should I learn C before learning C++? Answer – NO!

C is Not C++!!!

A superset of nothing useful

I often hear those who really should know better giving the advice that before you learn to code in C++ you should first learn to code in C. At face value this would seem like reasonable advice; after all C++ is a superset of C and so by learning C you’ll be learning some of C++. Unfortunately, this advice overlooks some fundamental but very important differences between C and C++ that may very well damage the learning curve of the student. Continue reading “Should I learn C before learning C++? Answer – NO!”

Is your password salty enough?

Passwords. They are ubiquitous. You can’t avoid them. Given all the amazing things that have been invented over the last 50 years or so there is still nothing that looks set to replace the humble password any time soon. Any thing you do online these days requires you to register an account. Often this is just unnecessary and just a way of companies harvesting your details to send you yet more targeted ads (spam!). Of course, registering necessitates yet another password.
Continue reading “Is your password salty enough?”